Friday, March 31, 2006

Photo of the Day No.17 - The Last One

31 F - Photograph your car. Really. Take notes about your car - how you got it - what it cost - why you love or hate it. Take pics inside (yikes!) and out.

PAUSE - CAR????? Which CAR????? Oh, see, that's funny, 'cause of course in the States everybody has a car, and most people need a car. Here in Germany - especially in the cities - not everyone has a car. The public transportation systems are great, and in our neighborhood we have eyerthing in walking distance. Time to get to work: 5 min; time to get to the supermarket - 5 min; time to go to the bakery - 1 min; butcher - about 5 min; cheese shop - about 10 min; florist - 2 minutes. Clothes shopping is a little longer: walk to the subway and then ride into the city center - around 10 minutes. Restaurants .....all kind of restaurants form Turkish to Japanese, from Indian to Italian - all within walking distance.

And to find a parking spot? - sometimes half an hour. So why bother to have a car here? Heck, I don't even have a drivers license!

So here are MY cars:

On the top left we have my winter car - makes a great sound on the asphalt. Then moving right and down: my cross country car, my other winter car, business car, my speed car, my dutch cars, an oldtimer, my summer car, my american sports car, my 70s car, my Bentley, my two convertables and last but not least my Hip Hop cruising car!

In case you wonder if I have more cars - yep, they are parked in the garage!

Photo of the Day No.16

29 Th - Take a photograph with a cool angle.

Mmmh - is this a cool angle - oh well. Another Skylight photo with pitter patter rain drops on it:

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Photo of the Day No.15

29 W -Take a picture of something that happens in your day between 5 pm and bedtime.

I think it is time for another Niles-picture! :-) Before we go to bed we play with him, so he is pooped out and sleeps through the night - actually he is a great sleeper but sometimes he get's this funny ideas that Jim might wanna play with him in the middle of the night. He will bring then his little birdie and place it right in front of Jim, sit down and stare at Jim.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Photo of the Day No.14

28 T - COLOR CHALLENGE - RED! Take a picture of something RED.

Here is a photo I took at my working place. The red calendar is mine and my collegues calendar for our resubmissions. The calendar sits on top of one of our file drawers - mainly for privacy reasons - as the nametags are in the middle of the files. We have a color scheme for our cases - red is representing criminal law cases. This drawer has a lot of those red files I gotta admit ;-)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Photo of the Day No.13

27 M - Photograph your FAVORITE REGULAR DRINK.Nothing fancy here - just the drink that your girlfriends would order for you if you were in the bathroom.

Well, the drink my girlfriends would order for me if I'm in the bathroom would be a nice decent beer! But my regular drink is COFFEE! I can't live without it. Without a nice hand filtered coffee in the morning I don't even know who I am, what I am and why I am!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Photo of the Day No.12

I'm a bit late with posting - Sunday was supposed to take a picture of the sunday dinner. As Jim is away it was a pretty plain and a MEAT-less dinner. Potatoes with Joghurt spiced with fresh cress and chives.

Oh - and my new camera totally sucks - this is the best picture I was able to take (this camera is a total screw up!) - so forgive me the runny Joghurt - that is what happens if you put the cold Joghurt on the hot potatoes and need to take like a hundred pictures!

Oh - and did I mention that I hate powersellers on ebay? No? That is another story - let me tell that when I'm able to tell the story without using curse words every second word!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Photo of the Day No.11


Oh Boy - how cruel! Ok, out of the 20 pictures I took I chose this one. You might think I look scared - scared of myself, but NO! I was just so concentrated to look into the mirror where I was able to see the display of the camera and figure out if my whole big face is in ;-)

I'm glad we are over this assignment! I don't like photos of myself!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Photo of the Day No.10

24 F -Take a picture of something that happens in your day between noon and 5 pm.

I'm cheating - I got this email from Karen at 4:30 pm and she took a pic - and that is my pic of the day. Karen wrote:

I was walking through a craft store and I swear I was thinking about how much
fun I'm having looking at your picture of the day on your blog.

So as I was walking I turn the corner and see this.

Karen, I swear I totally cracked up, I was laughing sooo hard, I had tears in my eyes.


Ok, I will illuminate our unknowing friends: Wedding Jim and Nat 2004 in NJ - big plans, lots of people as helpers involved. (Oh boy we still owe you all big time - you did such a wonderful job!!!) Bridezilla Nat gets this idea "Centerpieces are going to be normal garden flowers planted in little galvanized buckets! Please help me find galvanized buckets" So far so good - Karen, Bill and I were trying to find galvanized buckets everywhere -we did not find one! Forget about it! The whole family was looking for them! Nada, Nothing! I still see myself driving around with Bill and Karen and checking in at Michael's and Walmart and Target and so many other places. I hope you guys had a bit fun though!
Finally Bill's aunt who did an awesome job on the whole wedding flower scenario managed to organize those (insert not so nice word here) bucket.

However - it is too funny that Karen finds them right away now and the moment she thinks of me. Hopefully this is not kind of a nightmare ;-) Maybe we set a trend because we asked everythere for them!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Photo of the Day No.9

23 Th - COLOR CHALLENGE - BLUE! Take a picture of something BLUE

Ha - Easy Chmeasy - Blue like the blue sky we haven't seen in Hamburg for ages! How wonderful - here through one of our skylights in the living room.

The little yellow fellow showed up today - hope he stays for a while - we need it here in the North!

Photo of the Day No.8

22 W - Grab a pic of your studio.

OK - here you go - my messy place ;-)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Photo of the Day No.7

21 T -Take a picture between 9am and noon.

Here we go again - Niles - the cat can't hear running water without flying around the corner and trying to catch some drops. Makes cleaning the bathroom fun - see his little tongue?

Monday, March 20, 2006

Photo of the Day No.6

20 M - What’s your Monday like?

Monday is the most unbeloved day for me - except for one thing. Monday is the day I read my Die Zeit. I'm subscribing to this nationwide weekly newspaper for years - it is large and thick and known for beeing centrist. You need a table to read it properly. If you have it in the train or the airplane you take two seats. Every time you change the sites you make a lot of noise. People without "Die Zeit" look at you disgusted when you enter the train or the plain with "Die Zeit". People who are also reading "Die Zeit" exchange the knowing smile - we are the people who know, the good ones! So here is my Monday tribute to "Die Zeit" - just half a picture - it just too large ;-)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Photo of the Day No.5

19S - How about something that you do on Sunday?

On Sundays I do Niles a favor - he needs his weekly dose of cat nip cause the plants are taunting him;-)

Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Photo of the Day No.4

18 S - Take a picture of something in your yard:

Since we do not have a real yard I picked our roof-deck instead. This picture is taken standing in the middle of the spiral case looking through the terrace parts towards the television tower and the water tower.

It's not clear and it is cold outside - we have the coldest March since 100 years in Hamburg!Actually there is still snow on the terrace and we just noticed that most of our plant pots cracked - I still hope that the plants survived.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Photo of the Day No.3

It’s St. Patrick’s Day! Capture it!!

Hahahaha - you are kidding! There is not much St.Patrick's Day Celebration here in Germany. I guess the Irish community is pretty small. The whole day I was trying to find something to capture St. Patrick's Day, I opened the fridge and there it was:

Irish Butter - the most Irish thing I could find today - Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Photo of the Day No.2

16 Th -Take a picture of something that happens in your day between 6 and 9 am.

As I have to be at work at 9 am I'm constantly checking the kitchen clock. "Is it really that late, mmmmh - oh well, just another two minutes and then I will go" So this is my view several times between 6 am and 9 am:

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Photo of the Day No.1

Ok - I participate in a "Photo a Day Challenge" at scrapmuse (a website for scrapbooking). Today's assignment was to take a photo of whatever. That was easy.

Jim calls me into his office to show me this giant icicle coming out of the gutter in front of his window:

It was pretty easy to break loose. And a good thing we did: if this thing fell down five floors onto the street - BAM - a new CSI-Story! So that is my pic of the day.

And here is an extra pic - Jimmy the Musketeer with his new sword:

Monday, March 13, 2006

Superaffenturbotittengeiles Geschenk!

Whoa! What a surprise in the mail today. Not one, not two, not three but six - that's right six - really cool beers from the heartland of America.

The Bourbon County Stout was AWESOME! Niles thinks so too.

Thanks SOOOOOoooo much Ariane and Lo! You guys rock!

Here is my RateBeer rating on it.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Happy 25th Birthday, Continued!

Here is our birthday guy - looks like 25 - doesn't he?

We went and got Jim's birthday gift yesterday and took some more of those snow pix.

At least the Magnolia which opened yesterday gives a tiny feeling of spring!

Stuffed peppers and a gorgeous beer Panil Barriquée (Sour)
were consumed and Joe, Ariane and Lo were singing nice birthday songs on the phone! Thanks guys :-)

That's it - pretty casual 25th birthday - but heck - the party will start later!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Happy 25th Birthday, Jim!

Jim doesn't want to celebrate the 38th Birthday - SO - Happy 25th. Because we all celebrate the 25th birthday only once in a lifetime, Nat shot some pics from the day so far - so you won't feel left out.

The German birthday cheesecake (without cheese) ;-):

Jim and I have the day off today. We slept in and were pretty suprised to awake and see that there is an unusual snow day outside. That is what it looks through the windows:

It is the first time that both skylights are snowed in at daytime. Usually it melts away from the heat inside.

So far we have been pretty lazy, some eating, some computer stuff and Nat started to prepare Jim's dinner wish: Stuffed Peppers:

That is it so far - more pics from Jimmy's 25th birthday later!