Photo of the Day No.13
27 M - Photograph your FAVORITE REGULAR DRINK.Nothing fancy here - just the drink that your girlfriends would order for you if you were in the bathroom.
Well, the drink my girlfriends would order for me if I'm in the bathroom would be a nice decent beer! But my regular drink is COFFEE! I can't live without it. Without a nice hand filtered coffee in the morning I don't even know who I am, what I am and why I am!

I love coffee too and brew my own each morning to take to work with me.
Regarding Pop Tarts, they really aren't that good.(I think there is some nostagia in my taste buds, growing up with them) I don't like any, really, now that Apple Cinn. is gone.
Kellogg's should be ashamed, using Strudel in vain to describe such a non-German, non-yummy product!!
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