Alles Liebe zu Weihnachten!
Most of you know that Christmas in Germany starts on Christmas Eve. We are not very often in Germany for Christmas but we have our own traditions now. First, we celebrate Christmas Eve by going out to dinner to an awesome Indian restaurant called
Shalimar, which is said to be one of the best Indian restaurants in Germany. The interior is beautiful and it was suprisingly packed for Christmas Eve. The food was delicious. We left like two little stuffed Turkeys!
On the way back the streets were almost empty. As we came into a sidestreet, we had a not-so-nice experience: An old woman coming towards us suddenly fell. We were the only ones around - just about 25 feet in front of her. We tried to help her up but it turned out that something serious happened to her hip. She just came from her daugher and granddaughter two houses away. While Jim was waiting with her, Nat ran to get them. We called the ambulance and waited until it came. It was terrible. We felt so sorry for this cute, old grandma laying there crying and the whole time saying "but it was such a beautiful evening. Why does it end this way?!"
We hope she is alright and nothing to serious happened to her - so she gets well very soon.
After that it was kind of hard to get into the Christmas spirit again, but as we all know the human brain blends out catastrophes fast.
Niles was the first who got his little treat. Tuna! We couldn't take a better picture of him eating it, because he almost inhaled the plate in 2 seconds:

Jim got his present some weeks ago: an amp for his bass guitar, which he likes very much, is loud as thunder and is very much needed for his band's gig in January. But as he was nice and not naughty he got more presents from Nat - a handmade calendar. By the expression on his face, Jim really really liked it.

Then, the big surprise for the eveing: An ipod nano for Nat! WEEEEHHEEEEE! That thing is so small and cute. It's hard to believe it holds 4 GB!

We decided to open some more presents. Joe and Jen sent us a package which included not only a wonderful selfmade placemate by Jen, but also a self-inking address stamp! You two are so cute - thank you so much!

Antje gave us a complementary yoga class (90 minute session) and some yogi tea (hey, wait - Nat is Yogi_Beera not Yogi_Te-a). Nat also got a supercool belt from Antje!

Jim opened a present from Janice, Joe, Jackie and Jason: a book called "Weird Christmas." As you can see there should be a page included with a picture of Jim - this guy is VERY weird!

We also got an awesome stoneware cooking pan, which we will use today. What a great gift!

I also got a beautifully self painted box by my sis-in-law and her family filled with all different kind great goodies for crafting! Thank you so much!

That was the unwrapping on Christmas Eve. After a nice beer (
Gouden Carolus Cuvee Van De Keizer) we went happy to bed!
To be continued on Christmas Day. Coming up: more unwrapping and cooking!