Monday, November 26, 2007

Sadly enough Joe and Shelly left yesterday. It was a great time - we had a lot of fun - too bad though that both of them got sick. We hope they still enjoyed the trip and will come back. We miss our friends here!

Here are some photos - sorry Karen - yep - we did some things equal to what we did with you guys- this doesn't mean you aren't special - LOL - all our friends are special :-)

Stade - Church

In the center of Stade - canal

Speicherstadt Hamburg- after we went to Dialogue in the Dark

Joe making Käsespätzle

Shelly making Gravy on Turkey Day

Our yummie 11 pound turkey- brined and stuffed

At the market underneath the subway (which goes upway there - LOL)

And how cool are wii??? We got a wii from Joe and Shelly- so much fun!

Hamburg Carnval - Jim and Shell are in the second waggon while Joe and I are waiting (we know what is good for us :-) )

Some fun Graffity photo shoots

Doing the Narwhal right now ;-)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Some Hamburg Impressions

Had a great day with Circe - we acted like tourists and went with a boat to Ballinstadt- a museum dedicated to the emmigrants who started from Hamburg mostly to the United States. It was very interesting though the Museum needs some improvements. We were really lucky as the sun was shining!

Here are some photos from the harbour

No Human Being is illegal

ahhh - I love Hamburg!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Halloween makes it tour to Germany

Unbelievable - ten years ago Germany would only know about Halloween from certain American movies or some student exchanges - now it is fully arrived here. Well at least in the shops. Halloween decoration everywhere. The households are rarely decorated and only a handful little kids is ringing bells and asking with shreeky voices for some candy. I spied some shaving cream on some windows here and there- but all quite low. So it seems it is more a marketing from the shops.

But...of course we had a pumpkin as usual - althoug it was pretty hard to find a good one this year.

Other than that we can't wait to see Joe and Shelly who will come for a visit in two weeks!