I had to promise Bill to post a new photo - as he get's scrared by Jim's photo - LOL. I believe Bill is the only one still reading our blog - everybody else gave up - so I will once again try to update regularly and send out an email ;-)
So - first of all - Jim's book is finished - we are very happy about it!!!! It was a very hard time for him - and a little bit for me :-) I'm still in awe and proud of him how he managed to write this book every evening after a stressful fulltime job and on the weekends - yet remaining a patient and wonderful husband - I'm a very happy person ! (gotta sneak this post otherwise he will rub this under my nose for the next years. "And who is a very patiend and wonderful husband????"

One of the well deserved treats Jim got himself for this is this beautiful contrabass - he plays a lot and I love it. The band renamed themselfes into "Helmut and the Lampshades" - anyone get's the reference? Helmut and the lampshades played at Endric's (saxophonist) wedding and everybody liked them a lot. Jim did an awesome job on transforming some Neil Young Songs into Jazz songs. There is even a singer there now - Louise - and she adds beautifully to the band. They will have another gig in November - I'll keep you posted ;-)

Other than that Jim has to travel a lot in the past months - a couple weeks ago he even went to Barcelona -he hadn't had too much time to check out the city but from what he saw - we gotta go there soon!!!!
I had a big workshop weekend two weeks ago which I organized with four other friends. It was a great success and it was a lot of fun - althoug also a lot of work.

My new job is fun - I like it a lot. Scrapbooking Related I do have a lot of fun but nowadays work too. I'm on a Designteam for the first German Scrapbookmagazine, writing articles and doing layouts for the. I'm also on a designteam for an American Kit Club- Scrapmuse - which sends me a wonderful package each month to work with and this month I'm also a guest designer for a paper manufacturer in the US. Not to bragg to much - but I have fun with this and getting published makes it even more fun. In February I will be a featured artist in a big American Magazine (Somerset Memories) for Mixed Media and Scrapbooking. So - you see- this adds to my job and I like it!
Last week we had a week vacation - we stayed it home which was a very very good idea. We finally added some paint to two of our walls- one in the livingroom and one in the bed room. The color is not easy to describe- kind of like a sand tone with some green in it.

And Niles....? Well....he is doing good - I guess he wishes the boxes the Scrapstuff comes in would be bigger :-)

Alrighty- leave a comment- that adds to the fun of blogging and updating regularly ;-) I promise I will try to update at least once a week ;-)