Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Adulthood Piece of Furniture

Presenting...the new sofa....:-)
This saturday we finally bit the bullet. Got Christian's car, carried down Niles little second litter box, the old sofa from Jim's room (yep- mind you six floors), drove to the recycling place and watched the sofa being crashed by a huge sofa eater (no kidding).
We made it to IKEA with our plan to order the new sofa which was marked as not being available at the moment and got surprised by the fact that it was indeed available and ready to take with us. Mhhhh - alright - we payed and had several attempts to get those three huge packages into the car. It was like playing Tetris - with real people around giving unwanted advices and loosing about three lifes trying to get the stuff into the car. We made it:

The seats far in front and our noses on the windshield we drove very slowly home- I think Jim had a quite uncomfortable position- hahahha

We had quite fun getting these packages upstairs- with a little help by a neighbor - and managed to put the sofa together in a couple of hours - We love it. We do tell us about every other half hour how cool we are and how cool this sofa is ;-)

How cool are we? LOL.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Alright, Alright!

I had to promise Bill to post a new photo - as he get's scrared by Jim's photo - LOL. I believe Bill is the only one still reading our blog - everybody else gave up - so I will once again try to update regularly and send out an email ;-)

So - first of all - Jim's book is finished - we are very happy about it!!!! It was a very hard time for him - and a little bit for me :-) I'm still in awe and proud of him how he managed to write this book every evening after a stressful fulltime job and on the weekends - yet remaining a patient and wonderful husband - I'm a very happy person ! (gotta sneak this post otherwise he will rub this under my nose for the next years. "And who is a very patiend and wonderful husband????"

One of the well deserved treats Jim got himself for this is this beautiful contrabass - he plays a lot and I love it. The band renamed themselfes into "Helmut and the Lampshades" - anyone get's the reference? Helmut and the lampshades played at Endric's (saxophonist) wedding and everybody liked them a lot. Jim did an awesome job on transforming some Neil Young Songs into Jazz songs. There is even a singer there now - Louise - and she adds beautifully to the band. They will have another gig in November - I'll keep you posted ;-)

Other than that Jim has to travel a lot in the past months - a couple weeks ago he even went to Barcelona -he hadn't had too much time to check out the city but from what he saw - we gotta go there soon!!!!

I had a big workshop weekend two weeks ago which I organized with four other friends. It was a great success and it was a lot of fun - althoug also a lot of work.

My new job is fun - I like it a lot. Scrapbooking Related I do have a lot of fun but nowadays work too. I'm on a Designteam for the first German Scrapbookmagazine, writing articles and doing layouts for the. I'm also on a designteam for an American Kit Club- Scrapmuse - which sends me a wonderful package each month to work with and this month I'm also a guest designer for a paper manufacturer in the US. Not to bragg to much - but I have fun with this and getting published makes it even more fun. In February I will be a featured artist in a big American Magazine (Somerset Memories) for Mixed Media and Scrapbooking. So - you see- this adds to my job and I like it!

Last week we had a week vacation - we stayed it home which was a very very good idea. We finally added some paint to two of our walls- one in the livingroom and one in the bed room. The color is not easy to describe- kind of like a sand tone with some green in it.

And Niles....? Well....he is doing good - I guess he wishes the boxes the Scrapstuff comes in would be bigger :-)

Alrighty- leave a comment- that adds to the fun of blogging and updating regularly ;-) I promise I will try to update at least once a week ;-)