Happy Halloween!

The typical Kalbach-Grumpy-Pumpkin. Jim carved the ....out of this Honker ;-)
So how are we doing- well for those of you who don*t already know - I had a really really tough time the last 1 1/2 months. Most terrible weeks ever. I had a kidney infection to begin with which was really painful and no fun at all. Just recovered I came back to the office and heard that Frank died that morning. Fortunatley he didn't have to suffer, but as most of you know we had a wonderful relationship - not the typical office one - and it was and it is really sad and hard to realize that he is not here anymore.
The next side effect is that I lost my job. After 13 years I got my notice and have to leave at the end of February next year. The office is doing bad for a while now and with Frank gone it is even harder to maintain - so - I'm out - BOOOOOM!
Needless to say that me, ,the little sunshine was depressed and my mood to socialize was and still is very low. I just don't like to be a downer while with other people - so please forgive me, that you haven*t heard from me.
Jim is still working hard on his book! It is another fulltime job and I'm happy for him when it is over and he can relax a bit.
What else is new - oh - I was asked to to give a workshop - actually three workshops- in Berlin in November. It is totally exciting and I hope it will be working out in a good way.
So - that is it! Hope you all are well - Hugs!