Where did January and February go?
No post January and February - bummer! Sorry guys. Actually we were kind of busy, lazy and not that talkative :-) But here is a short review what happened the last two months.
Jim went to London for business and Nat joined him for the weekend. It was totally fun and we enjoyed the country of "courtesy porters" and "I'm afraid we are out of baked potatoes" a lot. On Saturday we went shopping, met Ratebeerians like Chris, Ian, Anthony and his girlfriend (in picture) and did a pub crawl.

On Sunday we were at Camden Market which was really cool, lots of Gothic and art stuff. Afterwards we met Heidi, Matt, Tristan and Olivia for lunch at the Oxo Tower which is located at the Thames and offers a great view. We had a lot of fun with them and it was really good to see them. We wish we could see them more often!

Also January Jim's band 4on6 had a gig in a nice little Cafe in Ottensen. The rocked the house. Jim's arrangements of Neil Young and Nirvana as jazz pieces were incredible cool (I can write that, I'm the wife). A lot of people were there and the owner was so amazed that he wants the band to play again.

In February Jim had to go to San Antonio, Texas. Fortunately he was able to at least have a nice evening with colleagues and eat some yummy food and take a pic of Alamo. Didn't see the basement there, though...

After a week of working Jim was able to stop for the weekend in NJ. One evening he was at Dave and Jess' house and Bill and Jeff were over. To celebrate in highschool style they used "Jeff plates" for their pizzas.

Can't wait until April when Bill, Karen and Jeff are coming over to visit us!
Nat got interviewed from Scrapmuse, an American scrapbook site, as "Artist of the Month" for her heritage layout. She doesn't want to brag about it but it was fun being interviewed and having people telling nice things about her layouts and cards. This is the heritage layout which shows Nat's Great grandparents and grandmother.

And because we do not have a child - here are two weird pix of Niles:

Ok - we hope that somebody reads this. Sorry for not updating so long: we promise that won't happen again! (hopefully)