Sunday, January 30, 2005

Pimp My Flat - Volume I

So, we bought an apartment in Hamburg but as you might know it is still an atttic. Work has already started and the building has scaffolding in front of it.

Here are some pictures from the last time we were there. We will track the progress - stay tuned.

On the roof

<br />On the roof

Nat's room towards the street
Nat's room towards the street

Kitchen towards street
Kitchen towards street

Hallway towards kitchen
Hallway towards kitchen


Shouldn't at least Lawyers know basics of Human Rights?

"Don't cheerleaders all over America form pyramids six to eight times a year? Is that torture?"

Guy Womack, attorney for the U.S. Army reservist Charles Graner, in his opening arguments at Graner's court-martial on charges of abusing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

With a defense lawyer like that who needs a prosecutor?

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Farewell party for Ariane & Lo -08/01/2005

What a great Party - though a lot of tears fell at the end!


Friday, January 28, 2005


Cool art project. Mail a post card with a secret to the artist and share it with the rest of the world. I liked the Vegetarian Postcard so far the most - hahahahaha

Nat's January Books

Carson Mc Cullers Das Herz ist ein einsamer Jäger/The Heart is a Lonely Hunter ****/*****
Edward M. Forster Wiedersehen in Howards End/Howards End ***/*****
Jan Weiler Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht **/*****
Frank Schulz Morbus fonticuli oder Die Sehnsucht des Laien ****/*****

Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Secret Order of the Narwhal

The Secret Order of the Narwhal
JoeVee from New Jersey -; I'm doing the Narwhal right now!

Blog, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Blog, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Ariane and Lo tell us about their new start in Chicago.