Pimp My Flat - Volume VII

We went to the new apartment again today to determine where the tiles in the bath and kitchen should go. They've made lots of progress. Starting to look like a finished apartment in many places.
Here's the living room from the kitchen area:

The crafters have started with the floor. They're just finishing the kitchen area in this picture:

Thomas, Nat's boss, was with us. He believes they are doing very good work. Everything seems to be done correctly and with precision. Thomas wanted to keep the cut pieces of the floor boards to burn in his woodburning stove - typical Thomas.
Here's the leading edge of the floor:

This is Nat's play room. It's huge:

Nat's Room
Jim's play room has the highest ceiling in the apartment (11 ft.) and is the only one with a support pole in the middle of it, which adds character:

Jim's Room
The floor in Jim's home office is completely done:

Jim's Home Office
We had an extra window put in above the door to Jim's office. This is the end furthest away from the livingroom and we wanted some extra natural light in the hallway.

Originally, the plan was to have a normal, straight staircase, but that wasn't possible for technical reasons: the support beams in the ceiling didn't allow for it. So, we got a spiral staircase. At first we were against it because it takes up too much space. Now that it's in, we're quite happy with it. Looks good in the room:

Sprial Staircase
The staircase leads to the huge deck, which still needs to be finished:

Top-Roof Terrace
They are converting the old water tower into a hotel in the Schanzen Park. That's the big brick building below the TV tower in the picture. Seems we'll be able to watch progress from the deck while sipping from our cocktails with little tiny umbrellas.

Water Tower and TV Tower
hallo ihr lieben - da haben sich doch gerade unsere blog (-komments) unterwegs gecrossed. euer neues zu hause sieht wunderschön aus, ich freue mich total für euch.
mal telefonieren/skypen (mein neues telefon ist abgemeldet, aber Lo's tut's).
kuss, ane
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