Asparagus Time
It is asparagus time - white asparagus and Germany gets crazy over this every year.
Everybody except me and Jim loves asparagus.

They talk about asparagus in the news: how much - or I should say how "less" - the asparagus prickers earn, who won the asparagus peeling contest (the ladies from Great Britain had no chance, of course a Kraut won), an advertisment showing the asparagus queen, and little kids who can only stand eating asparagus if they have it with a great white sauce from one certain brand. But worse than that, we also get a lot of dinner invitations where asparagus is served.
Though it's usually fun to get dinner invitations, around this time we have to be very careful. My first reaction at this time of the year is usually "So, thank you, this is sooo nice of you. Do you have something special for dinner in mind?" You can be certain that the answer is "Uhh, I do have something really special in mind, ASPARAGUS!"
How do you tell people that their "special dinner" is a torture for you? Especially if your friends are only cooking dinner because they want to eat asparagus.
Well better times are coming - let me state it with the old country saying: Cherries red, asparagus dead! I swear: I love Cherries!
I love cherries too! But asparagus...not really a cause for celebration. Question: is it ok for Germans to call other Germans 'Kraut'? In college there was a German who really went out of his way to piss me off and we called him Kraut, as if it was some sort of horrible ethnic slur. =) Its good to know I wasn't being all that awful!
Em: Well - I think some Krauts might be pissed about it, especially the older ones,but I don't care. I think the term is too funny. Actually I think it referred to the Germans because we used to love eating Sauerkraut,mmmh that changed. I think the new horrible ethnic slur for Germans should be "Asparagus" from now on! :-)
I also dislike asparagus. It might not make news reports here, but at some point during the year (and I can't remember when it is), it's served as the seasonal vegetable at every restaurant that offers seasonal vegetables.
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